“Who are those guys?”


David R. Johnson has practiced, taught and written about CyberLaw and is still searching for the best model for Internet governance. He is Creator and Producer of the Moosical  More

Mario Tosto, is an accomplished composer, so-so musician, audio engineer and sometimes webmaster, marketing executive, techie and philosopher. He wrote all the music and most of the lyrics for the Moosical and co-produces. More

Steven Thomas is a freelance artist/designer based in Edinburgh, Scotland, who designed the characters and did the nifty artwork. Smash Digital




Ben Tosto, Narrator & other characters

Joan Ostrin, Frieda & other characters

Mario Tosto, Freddie & other characters

David Johnson, The Moose

Laurie Tosto, Proofreader extraordinaire

Clare Tosto, Tester

Peter Tosto, Technical advisor

Judy Johnson, Netlers inventor

Casey Davis, Cook & cheerleader
